Event Management

Western Insights Media; Your One Stop Shop to a Western Industries Fractional Chief Marketing Officer

Western Insights Media; Your One Stop Shop to a Western Industries Fractional Chief Marketing Officer

A fractional chief marketing office (CMO) is an outsourced marketing executive who performs the function of a CMO without your company having to commit to a full-time, in-house marketing leader. Western Insights Media prides themselves on being one of the leaders in western based events regarding out-of-the-box marketing combined with the utilization of traditional marketing methods to reach both your current and new audience demographic.

Finding Your Audience Where They Are - A Case Study

Finding Your Audience Where They Are - A Case Study

When it comes to finding your audience where they are, it can be a bit of hard work but the rewards for that work will provide an efficiency and return on investment that social media oftentimes fails to create. Let’s dive into a case example for a country music festival where we stepped through a series of surveys to find a new-age demographic for the event post the COVID-19 pandemic to find young country music enthusiasts and curate experiential marketing around their interests.

No Such Thing As An "Off Season" in the Event Business

No Such Thing As An "Off Season" in the Event Business

Growing up as a sports kid I lived for the off season. It was my favorite time of year to get better and improve to come back in the next season at my absolute strongest and most talented. That doesn't change when it comes to the offseason for those of you producing events! Here’s a checklist of what you can do to strengthen your event during the off season!